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2018 Natural Capital Symposium

  • Calendar March 19th, 2018
  • Time 08:30

This text was taken from the 2018 Natural Capital Symposium

“The 2018 Natural Capital Symposium is organized two central themes: Livable Cities, and Sustainable Development. In addition to multiple sessions focused on the key themes, sessions will also center around the shared outcomes of Securing Freshwater, Coastal Climate Resilience, and Creating Standards for the Private Sector.

About the Livable Cities Theme

The Livable Cities program of the Natural Capital Project supports researchers and practitioners in evaluating the costs and benefits of nature-based solutions in cities. We aim to provide knowledge and tools critical to the governance and planning of resilient, sustainable, and equitable cities, supporting both existing urban development and future growth. Our work is organized around three themes: development of tools and methods to quantify the supply and value of urban ecosystem services, analysis of equity issues associated with the management of nature-based solutions, and co-production of approaches that demonstrate how information on nature-based solutions can inform practice at local, regional, and global scales.

About the Sustainable Development Theme

Under the Natural Capital Project’s Sustainable Development Planning outcome, we aim to make integration of nature’s values into development decisions commonplace. We envision a world in which government plans and public- and private-sector investments secure and enhance ecosystem services, leading to more sustainable, resilient and equitable development. We collaborate with government planners, private-sector partners, civil society organizations and researchers to 1) mainstream natural capital into development planning, spatial planning, and infrastructure investment decisions; 2) design and implement policy and finance mechanisms to incentivize the conservation of ecosystem services; and 3) produce accessible science and tools for linking natural capital to human health, livelihoods, and other relevant endpoints for development decisions. We look forward to joining you at the 2018 Symposium to exchange ideas and success stories, identify opportunities and advance solutions to shared challenges around this theme.”

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