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2021 Happy Planet Index

  • Calendar October 25th, 2021
  • Time 13:00
  • Location Online

Join us for the launch of the latest rankings of the Happy Planet Index!

The Happy Planet Index (HPI) is a measure of sustainable wellbeing, ranking countries by how efficiently they deliver long, happy lives using environmental resources.

It was developed as a narrative tool to advocate in favour of a different vision of how progress is understood and meaningful priorities for economic decision making are set.

During the launch event, we will explore the origins and purpose of the Happy Planet Index, what the latest data tells about how efficient societies are at delivering long, happy lives using environmental resources – both pre and post-pandemic, and what this means for decision-making around the world moving forward.

The event will feature a panel discussion with economic thinkers and decision makers from different countries, exploring perspectives on how we can practically move toward long, happy lives that don’t cost the Earth.

Participants will have a chance to have their questions answered by panelists.

Please note: The website ( currently features the 2016 Happy Planet Index results. It will be updated with the latest rankings prior to the launch event.

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