
What measurement approaches are available for you to measure your impacts and/or dependencies on biodiversity?

Based on your previous responses and your selected business application and organisational focus (displayed below), the following measurement approach(es) are most appropriate for your intended use:

What business application are you interested in assessing (i.e. how are you going to use your results)?
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What is the organizational focus of your assessment?
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Measurement Approach
DeveloperLand use changeBiological Resource UseWater UseInvasive Alien SpeciesAtmospheric nitrogen depositionNutrient emissions to waterClimate changeMaturity
Agrobiodiversity Index Bioversity International
Biodiversity Footprint Financial Institutions   ASN Bank, Pré Sustainability, CREM
Biodiversity Footprint Methodology Plansup
Biodiversity Impact Metric   University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership Indirectly Indirectly
Biodiversity Indicators and Reporting System and ES assessment LafargeHolcim
Biodiversity Indicators for Site-based Impacts  UNEP-WCMC, Conservation Intl, Fauna & Flora Intl.
Biodiversity Monitoring System for the Food Sector  Lake Constance Foundation
Biodiversity Net Gain Calculator Arcadis
Biodiversity Performance Tool for Food Sector   Solagro
Biological Diversity Protocol   Endangered Wildlife Trust
Corporate Biodiversity Footprint Iceberg Data Lab
Environmental Profit & Loss Account (EP&L)  Kering
Global Biodiversity Score  CDC Biodiversité
LIFE Impact Index LIFE Institute
Product Biodiversity Footprint   I Care & Consult
ReCiPe Radboud University, RIVM, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, PRé Sustainability
Species Threat Abatement and Recovery (STAR) Metric  IUCN

It is recommended to reflect on your identified list of impact drivers to be measured when selecting a measurement approach, as well as the data sources you have identified as available. 

Please note that the measurement approaches provided under Action 6.2.4 are suggestions on the approaches available to your organisation for measuring impacts and dependencies on biodiversity. The application of these approaches has been self-reported by the developers. For more information on the analysis behind the selection, effort required, drivers of biodiversity loss (“pressures”) and targets/ambition covered by each tool see Assessment of Biodiversity Measurement Approaches for Business and Financial Institutions, Update Report 3 (EU Business @ Biodiversity, 2021). 

*Details on Maturity levels:  

Mature: the approach has been applied at least 3 times to the specific business application – organizational focus area combination
Emerging: the approach has only been applied 1 or 2 times to the specific business application – organizational focus area combination 
Potential: the approach has not been applied yet to the specific business application – organizational focus area combination, but tool developers claim that the approach can be applied