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Seychelles Achieves 30% Marine Conservation Commitment

March 30, 2020 |

This article was originally published on The Nature Conservancy

“On March 26, 2020, Seychelles announced the final details of Marine Protection Areas to reach its goal to protect 30 percent of its ocean. As part of the ground-breaking debt conversion deal co-designed by The Nature Conservancy, Seychelles committed to increasing its marine protection from just 0.04 percent of its Exclusive Economic Zone to a full 30 percent by 2020. Now, 410,000 square kilometers (158,000 square miles) — an area larger than Germany — will be fully or significantly safeguarded to encourage sustainable development and to adapt to the effects of climate change.

…As a large ocean state, the people of Seychelles depend on a healthy, thriving marine ecosystem. Jobs in the fishing and tourism industries employ more than one-third of the country’s workforce and thus are addressing illegal fishing and developing best-in-class sustainable fisheries. The reliance on marine resources means that Seychelles and other oceanic nations are among the most vulnerable to climate change. But, with large areas under increased protection and effective management, Seychelles will be better prepared for the uncertain effects of warming and rising waters, ocean acidification and adaptation.

…When managed properly, ocean and marine resources have the ability to simultaneously support thriving ecosystems, economic growth, and resilient communities.  This incredible achievement in Seychelles is a testament to how investing in nature now helps governments and local communities in the future. And the potential scale is even greater — [The Nature Conservancy] estimates that up to 85 countries could use a similar model to develop more resilient economies through marine conservation, opening the door to even greater ocean protection.”

Read on at: The Nature Conservancy 

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