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Capitals Coalition Welcomes New Board Members

June 20, 2024 |

While being grateful to previous Board Members, Capitals Coalition is thrilled to announce the addition of four new exceptional members to the Board. These new members bring a wealth of experience and diverse backgrounds across various sectors, and their unique perspectives will be instrumental in propelling us toward the future. Each new board member brings a distinct set of skills and knowledge to the table that will foster a dynamic and innovative environment perfectly suited to navigating our ever-changing landscape.

Magali Anderson has spent 27 years working in the oil and gas industry, living across four continents, and is now a non-executive director for Anglo American after being the Group Head of Health & Safety at Holcim. “I have seen Capitals Coalition in action for some time now, so I know it well and really like the work that it is doing. Since leaving Holcim, my motivation has been to find ways to make a meaningful impact. I believe that through the Capitals Coalition, I can contribute significantly to that goal.”

Caroline Rees is President and Co-Founder of Shift, a non-profit organization that aims to build a world in which business is conducted with respect for people’s dignity and equality. Her recent work has focused on strengthening the social aspects of sustainability reporting as a reflection of and catalyst for effective human rights risk management. “People must be at the centre of any strategy to achieve a sustainable world, including any approaches to reversing climate change and nature loss – otherwise, we will fail to meet those goals. If we address these challenges in ways that include and uplift vulnerable and marginalized groups, we sow the seeds of our success. But in order to do so, we must think and work in integrated ways, across a range of fields and disciplines. I’m delighted to join the Board of the Capitals Coalition to support their excellent team to build these bridges and make integrated action across all capitals the new business”.

Silvia Vilas Boas heads the Natura&Co Latin America finance, strategy, and governance fronts and the group’s transformation office in the region. She is also a founder of W-CFO Brazil, a non-profit group for female finance executives that provides mutual support, drives diversity, and inspires young women and new female leaders in finance.

And last but not least, Alan Vallance, recently appointed as Chief Executive at the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). He is an experienced leader of professional bodies and will continue the Institute’s long-standing support for the Coalition’s vital work. “Building an understanding of how all capitals – including natural, human, and social capital – underpin business performance, financial stability, economic prosperity and our own well-being is an urgent priority. With its emphasis on long-term value creation and focus on the public interest, the accounting profession is well-positioned to champion “capital thinking”. I’m looking forward to working with the Coalition to support its mission and continue equipping our members to transform decision-making towards sustainability in the organizations they advise and lead.” 

Together with our existing board members, this new team creates a powerful force for driving positive change.

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