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Our Value Report – 2021 Highlights

The Capitals Coalition develops, advocates for, and advances our understanding of the value we receive from natural, social, human, and produced capital. We work with organizations and individuals spanning global systems to identify and measure this value, and to ensure that it is embedded across decision-making.

This is our second Value Report and presents our aspirations, successes and lessons learnt from this past year, as well as referencing work underway. This 2021 edition is an interim update to inform our global community of our key successes and activities, as well as updates on our strategy and developments in the capitals approach from around the world. A more detailed update will follow at the end of 2022.

The progress highlighted here provides clear evidence of a step change in global awareness and action around the value of nature and the need to address natural, social, human and economic challenges collectively through a value-led approach to decision-making.

These breakthroughs set the tone for further ambition and action from businesses, governments and financial institutions in the knowledge a global community is working to ensure that the tools, frameworks and methodologies needed to embed this work are being developed to meet growing demand.

This report is intended for readers who are new to the Capitals Coalition and looking for an introduction to our strategy, progress and activities. It will also be useful to other stakeholders who are more familiar with our work.

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