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The Capitals Hubs are formed by communities of practitioners that develop and scale the capitals approach within specific regional or national contexts or within industries or sectors.  

Capitals Hubs connect leaders and leading initiatives to ensure that the right people are collaborating across the system, and provide a space for geographic, sector or context-specific challenges, opportunities and solutions to be explored between stakeholders.

The work of the Hubs is fed back to the Capitals Coalition and informs our work areas, priorities and strategy. Capitals Hubs evolve organically, often by building on existing networks, and are supported remotely by the Coalition.

Capitals Hubs

Increase awareness, collaboration and uptake among business, finance, government, civil society, science and accounting & standards​.

Share and support the application and learning of approaches, tools and techniques​.

 Strengthen the Protocols and other capitals tools.

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Learn more about the role of the Capitals Hubs and how to convene a Hub.

Australia Hub

Lead Organization: Business Council for Sustainable Development in Australia

The objective of the Australia Hub is to localize the global work on natural capital accounting into Australian business decision making processes. The hub plans to build an understanding and capacity for Australian policymakers to utilize the Natural Capital Protocol as the bridge to the establishment of a National Environmental – Economic Framework in Australia.

For more information please contact Andrew Petersen.

Brazil Hub

Lead Organization: Conselho Empresarial Brasileiro para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (CEBDS).

The Brazilian Hub intends to collaborate in order to strengthen the natural capital agenda in Brazil, leveraging the importance of addressing risks, dependencies and the opportunities of improving business relations with nature for mutual benefit.

The joint activities are intended to contribute to the overarching objective to stimulate business to invest in knowing how its operations connects to the several aspects of nature, such as ecosystem services, biodiversity and natural resources through the international framework, the Natural Capital Protocol. By better understanding its connections, business can advance into mainstreaming natural capital in its strategies and decision-making processes.

Using natural capital assessments and valuation as tools business can mitigate operational and production risks at the same time that increases socio-environmental conditions in the regions where it operates.

For more information please contact Carla Gheler.

Canada Hub

Lead Organization: Capitals Hub Canada

Capitals Hub Canada is the Canadian Hub of the international Capitals Coalition network. The hub’s aim is to improve decision making by mainstreaming the inclusion of capitals thinking in Canada and the use of non-financial capitals across sectors, harmonizing the many different approaches to do this work and bringing them to scale quickly in Canada by facilitating collaboration that enables more informed decisions that conserve and enhance natural, social, and human capital.

The hub’s ultimate objective is to have the Canadian economy become fully sustainable (as defined here) with all of its inhabitants enjoying economic security and well-being (as defined here).

Planned events: Creating a formal web presence for the Hub in Canada to provide a landing spot for new members or interested stakeholders and developing a series of papers to make the protocols more tangible and applicable for Canadian audiences, with emphasis on key sectors (e.g., finance, government, academia, SMEs, corporate, Indigenous communities.).

For more information please contact David Steurman.

Caribbean Natural Capital Hub

Lead Organization: ANSA Merchant Bank Ltd & The Cropper Foundation

The Caribbean Natural Capital Hub aims to mainstream the application of natural capital principles and practice in the Caribbean private sector through enhancing the understanding, capacity and inclusion of natural capital approaches in business; building the knowledge base for integrating natural capital approaches into business decision-making and planning, and creating a community of progressive private sector champions.

The Hub will also be grounded in multi-stakeholder partnership, bringing together civil society, the private sector and the public sector to co-create and collectively advance a more nature-positive Caribbean.

For more information please contact Omar Mohammed or Gregory Hill.

China Capitals Hub

Lead Organization: Goldenbee Consulting

The objective of Capitals China Hub is to bring in advanced capital assessment tools and introduce their methodology to Chinese enterprises. They are proud to be a facilitator for enterprises to integrate capital assessment into business decisions, and thereby further empowering Chinese enterprises to achieve sustainability.

The Hub will also be continuing its work with the TEEBAgrifood Project, and translating Capitals Coalition offerings.

For more information please contact Ellie Xiang.

Colombia Hub

Lead Organization: CECODES

The objective of the Colombian platform is to partner with businesses, especially financial institutions, to grow commitment for integrating natural capital considerations into reporting, accounting, and decision-making.

For more information please contact Dr. Santiago Madriñan de la Torre.

India Hub

Lead Organization: Centre for Responsible Business

CRB has been established as a think tank to promote the understanding among relevant stakeholders on social, environmental and economic sustainability issues – thereby leading to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.

For more information please contact Hannah Collier.

Indonesia Hub

Lead Organization: IBCSD

The objective of the Indonesian Hub is to push forward integration of the value of nature and people in business decision-making process and scaling up the capital approaches. The Hub offers the opportunity to broaden network and fostering collaboration to sharing information, knowledge, and best practices.

For more information, please contact: Fierra Setyawan.

Italy Hub

Lead Organization: Etifor – Valuing Nature

The Italy Hub aims to enhance the approach to capital among Italian organisations by creating a strong stakeholder network and collaborating with existing entities such as the Italian Business @ Biodiversity Working Group.

Etifor, the environmental consultancy leading the hub, places nature at the core of decision-making processes by developing science-based solutions. The company improves the economic, environmental, and social benefits of policies, projects, and investments through customised consultancy services for private companies, organisations, and public administrations. Nature Positive involves understanding and prioritising all impacts and dependencies on nature, a commitment that Etifor upholds daily together with its partners.

For more information, please contact: Wesley Snell

Luxembourg Hub

Lead Organization: IMS Luxembourg

Through the platform, the Luxembourg Hub want to bring the topics of nature’s and people’s value under the spotlight through various projects and actions, mainly aimed at businesses in Luxembourg. This goal will be achieved through online training, working groups, conferences with experts, events, meetings with CEOs, publications (guides, articles), etc. The hub’s three watchwords are awareness-raising, commitment, action. The platform will play a key role in sharing experiences, resources and ideas as well as in connecting actors committed to the movement.

Planned events: Participation in awareness-raising events throughout the first half of 2022. Thematic workshops are in development to decipher the landscape of existing tools and initiatives to help companies take action on biodiversity, highlight inspiring practice and share knowledge.

For more information, please contact Laura Mullenders or Sophie Öberg.

Nat Cap Madagascar Hub

Lead Organizations: MESD & WWF

Bringing together and mobilising all stakeholders and capitalising on good practice with the aim of reversing the loss of natural capital in line with the commitments made by the Leaders for Nature.

Watch a video on the Nat Cap Madagascar Hub here.

For more information please contact Lie Haar Andriamanalina.

Mexico Hub

Lead Organization: Mexican Alliance for Business and Biodiversity (AMEBIN).

The Hub is being built with the help of the Mexican Alliance for Business and Biodiversity (AMEBIN) as the follow up of the process made during 2020 to train Mexican agrobusinesses with the capitals thinking approach, which is a new topic for the national context.  

The objective that the Platform will achieve will be to identify, contact, and document existing projects that are already being executed in the country by the private sector with the aim of applying sustainable agriculture activities, specifically with the use of land. Also, the hub plans on mapping, contacting, and documenting financial and technological solutions that are already available in the country and that respond to the national context.    

The hub believes these starting activities are important to get to know the current state (and actors) of the advances, challenges, and objectives faced by the private sector in the implementation of their plans and objectives related to sustainable agriculture in the country

For more information please contact Daniel Sanchez y Sanchez or Alejandra Bolde.

Netherlands Hub

Lead Organization: MVO Nederland 

The objective of the Netherlands Hub is to, together with companies and entrepreneurs, work towards the new economy. The hub pursues a shared goal of a healthy, future-proof economy in which positive financial results go hand in hand with care for people and planet. Their mission is to inspire, connect and accelerate companies and organizations towards climate neutral, circular and inclusive business. With a network of over 2000 companies – SMEs as well as large enterprises – they strive for maximum impact, on a national as was as an international level.

The hub strongly believes in the concept of ‘true value’, whereby externalities are internalized. In ‘the new economy’, dependencies, impacts and risks on natural, social and human capital are fully taken into account in business decisions and transparent disclosure.

As a regional hub, MVO Nederland works with front running companies, business coalitions and stakeholder to apply Natural and the Social & Human Capital Protocols to specific industries such as agriculture, food, construction and the chemical sector.

For more information please contact Rene Koop.

Scotland Hub

Lead Organization: Scottish Forum on Natural Capital

The Scottish Forum on Natural Capital is an initiative which brings together public, private and voluntary sector organizations in order to protect and rebuild Scotland’s natural capital.

Through their work, they strive to enable businesses and policymakers gain a better understanding of how we rely on – and impact on – our natural capital. By making these connections visible, the protection and enhancement of Scotland’s natural wealth becomes a viable option for decision makers, providing a range of benefits for the whole society.

As a Hub, the Scottish Forum on Natural Capital offers a range of support for Scottish businesses who want to understand their relationship with natural capital, including a range of events and workshops throughout and tailored advice through their ‘Ask and Expert Service’.

For more information please contact Tom McKenna.

South Africa Hub

Lead Organization: The Endangered Wildlife Trust

The South Africa Hub aims to promote the Capitals Coalition through dissemination with South African corporates. The hub also participates in global events and collaborates with the Coalition on the development of new biodiversity tools.

For more information please contact: Constant Hoogstad.

Spain Hub

Lead Organization: Ecoacsa Reserva de Biodiversidad S.L. 

Natural Capital Factory is the Spanish Natural Capital Regional Platform. The platform will convene the Spanish community around natural capital approaches, with the aim of ensuring that nature is being included in the decision making of organizations. The platform offers ongoing and specialized training on news, developments and markets trends related to business management of natural capital, and promotes analysis, dialogue and the Spanish representation before the global movement on natural capital.

Previous events: Natural Capital Summit in June 2018, Workshop for the Biodiversity Supplement in 2018, workshop at the Spanish Environment National Summit in 2017, a ‘Connecting Finance and Natural Capital’ pilot study in 2018.

Events planned: A webinar and capacity building programme.

For more information please contact: David Alvarez

Thailand Capitals Hub

Lead organization: Scholars of Sustenance (SOS) Thailand

Thailand Capitals Hub serves as the country’s central hub for Thai businesses, and stakeholders, led by the Scholars of Sustenance Foundation (Thailand).

The hub’s primary focus is on nurturing and supporting the adoption of a capitals approach, fostering collaboration, support, and the sharing of best practices, while also integrating standardized approaches to enhance sustainability throughout Thailand. The hub is designed to become the primary destination for training, discussions, and collaborative efforts among our Thai Hub members.

The hub’s vision is to establish a robust stakeholder network in Thailand that can effectively cooperate and gain valuable insights through the capital approach. By doing so, they aim to bolster the economy and drive our society towards sustainable, net-zero practices. In the face of impending challenges, they firmly believe that partnerships and shared responsibilities have the power to transform the world.

The hub hopes that it will be a welcoming home for all such individuals and organizations where together, we can work towards a brighter and more sustainable future.

For more information, please contact: Earth Phongpheat


Lead Organization: Sustainability to Action

The objective for the UAE Hub is to collaborate with businesses, not-for-profit and government bodies to promote the understanding, incorporation and commitment of the Natural Capital Protocol in their day-to-day work and decision-making processes.

The hub aims to support the Capitals Coalition in raising awareness and advancing efforts related to measuring, valuing and sustainably managing natural capital to support business decisions and outcomes within the UAE.

The UAE Hub’s goal is to establish a network of businesses and organizations in the UAE who will be better able to share knowledge and experiences in integrating natural capital into decision making, as they address sustainability issues.

In addition, the hub will also address how natural capital tools can help support efforts to implement circular economy approaches.

For more information please contact Sandra Anani.

West Africa Hub

Lead OrganizationNatural Eco Capital

The hub’s objective is to promote awareness on what natural capital is about, and the need to manage it more responsibly in West Africa. They aim to work towards the integration of natural capital within accounting systems and business strategies, and decision-making in policy and business.

Planned events: Workshops and trainings that raise awareness of and build capacities amongst public sector organizations and the private sector players, especially the  financial institutions on the risks and opportunities in effective management of natural capital which we all rely on.  We would also work with partners/interested parties to carry out natural capital assessment and/or accounting for business risks management and increase in the bottom line associated with material impacts and thus report adequately natural capital.

For more information please contact Eugene Itua.

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