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Organization Directory

The Capitals Coalition is a global collaboration redefining value to transform decision making.

We unite leading initiatives and organizations under a common vision of a world that conserves and enhances all forms of capital.

The Coalition is made up of over 450 organizations and engages many thousands more, who together represent all parts of society. These organizations fall into seven broad stakeholder groups or ‘worlds’: Business, Finance, Government, Science, Accounting and Standards, Civil Society and Multi-stakeholder Groups.

Coalition organizations share a common belief that we can do more together than we can alone, and an understanding that it is only by bringing the many different parts of the system together as part of a purpose-led conversation that we can we affect real change. The Coalition’s strength comes from this belief, and from the diversity it brings.

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Become part of a dynamic global collaboration of leaders and leading organizations who have united around a purpose-driven ambition.

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