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SUSTAIN Mid-Term Meeting draws a path for Green Innovation

May 24, 2024 |

The SUSTAIN project recently held a workshop that yielded positive results for its green innovation goals and brought stakeholders together to solidify plans. Participants achieved a clearer understanding of project deliverables, ensuring everyone was working towards the same objectives, and they also identified the potential for collaboration with other EU initiatives focused on sustainability. This cross-project cooperation could lead to more efficient and impactful outcomes for the green innovation landscape.

This mid-term workshop has positioned SUSTAIN to play a valuable role in the ongoing push towards a more sustainable future.

Here are 4 takeaways:

Aligned on Action: The workshop brought together key players, ensuring everyone was on the same page regarding project deliverables. This means a streamlined approach, optimizing efficiency and ensuring timely results.

Stronger Together: Collaboration is key. The workshop identified opportunities to link up with other EU projects working towards a greener future.

Making a Difference: The consortium is committed to making sure the project’s impact is crystal clear. They’ll work hard to effectively communicate the “So what?” to their target audience, ensuring the project’s benefits resonate and inspire action.

Part of a Movement: SUSTAIN isn’t just a standalone project but rather a vital piece of a much larger green innovation movement.

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