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ACT-D: High Level Business Actions on Nature

The ACT-D high level business actions on nature were developed in a collaboration by leading organizations including the Capitals Coalition, Business for NatureWBCSDTNFDScience Based Targets Network, WEF and WWF.

ACT-D guides businesses through the various tools, frameworks and initiatives available in the market to support them in assessing their relationships with nature, committing to action and target setting, transforming their practices and disclosing nature-related information.

ACT-D stands for Assess, Commit, Transform and Disclose. It builds on existing action frameworks and guidance, including the Natural Capital Protocol, Science Based Targets for Nature’s Initial Guidance for Business, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Building Blocks For ‘What Nature Positive Means For Business’, Business for Nature’s ‘How Business and Finance Can Contribute to a Nature Positive Future Now‘, Task Force for Nature Related Disclosures (TNFD) Beta Framework.

The ACT-D high-level actions on nature were supported by over 330 companies through the #MakeItMandatory campaign. These companies committed to playing their part in tackling nature loss through actions such as assessing impacts and dependencies on nature, disclosing material nature-related information, committing publicly to avoid and reduce negative impacts and transforming business strategies and models to restore and regenerate nature.

Although these actions were developed for nature, the same overarching process could also be used to assess and disclose impacts and dependencies on social and human capital.


Measure, value and prioritize your impacts and dependencies on nature to ensure you are acting on the most material ones.


Set transparent, time-bound, specific, science-based targets to put your company on the right track towards operating within the Earth’s limits.


Contribute to systems transformation: avoid and reduce negative impacts, restore and regenerate, shift business strategy and models, and advocate for policy ambition.


Track performance and prepare to publicly report material nature-related information throughout your journey.

Step-By-Step Guidance

Action for nature & people must be taken across the system

When this information is aligned, holistic and based on the value we receive from natural, social, human and produced capital, we enhance the breadth and quality of information available to decision-makers. This can accelerate the pace of the transition and deliver an equitable, nature-positive and carbon neutral world that benefits us all.

To meet the commitment in the Global Biodiversity Framework and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the whole of the system must take action and collaborate together.

The infinity loop illustrates the roles of – and relationships between – business, finance and government in catalysing a shift towards a nature-positive world. Each element within the loop depends on an unbroken flow of information that circulates throughout the system.

ACT-D case studies: demonstrating business action for nature

We have selected 10 examples of some leading businesses, from different sectors and geographies, that illustrate integration of the natural capital approach in a way that has altered their business model. These examples highlight the interconnectedness between business, finance and government action and how actions by each group can drive ambition towards nature-positive.

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